What's happening in Wakefield Qc this weekend Feb 22 - 24, 2019
🎶 Mia Kelly EP Release s/g A Leverage For Mountains at blacksheep SOLD OUT!***
🎶 Birdie & Her Unwavering Band of Light Kaffé 1870 9pm
🎬 Wakefield Doc Fest presents A Delicate Balance at 4 pm and Sea of Life at 4pm at Centre Wakefield La Pêche
🎶Eric McDonald at The Black Sheep Inn w/ The Outside Track 8:30pm at the blacksheep
🎬 Wakefield Doc Fest presents Sea of Life at 1pm and A Delicate Balance at 4pm at Centre Wakefield La Pêche
Closing Gala will begin after the 4pm screening of A DELICATE BALANCE. Best of Fest will be announced Food provided by US! Le Hibou .
🎶 Village Quartet at Kaffe 1870 at 4pm at Kaffé 1870
🎶 Mia Kelly, EP launch, Blacksheep Inn with Leverage for Mountains SOLD OUT!***
🍴Le Hibou's kitchen is open until 9:30pm Friday and Saturday and until 8:30pm from Sunday to Thursday
We are open from 10 am Saturday and Sunday for BRUNCH.
No RESERVATIONS just come on in!